UNITE HERE Local 8 represents about 4,000 workers in the hospitality industries of Oregon & Washington State. Local 8 members work in hotels, restaurants, food service, and airport concessions. They include room cleaners, cooks, bartenders, bellmen, food and beverage servers, bussers, and dishwashers. Local 8′s parent union, UNITE HERE, represents hotel, food service, and gaming workers throughout the US and Canada.
The Members of Local 8
Local 8′s members are the face of our region’s hospitality industry. UNITE HERE boasts a diverse membership, comprising workers from many immigrant communities as well as high percentages of African-American, Latino, and Asian-American workers. The majority of UNITE HERE members are women.
In negotiations with management, Local 8 is represented by bargaining committees consisting of rank-and-file leaders.
Through organizing, UNITE HERE members are aiming to transform thousands of traditionally low-wage jobs into good, family-sustaining, middle class jobs.
Over the years, UNITE HERE Local 8 has fought hard for and won:
- Living Wages
- Job Security
- A Voice on the Job
- Respect in the Workplace
- Affordable Family Health Insurance Paid by the Employer
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